#Homoeopathy, a medical system developed over 200 years ago in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who held a master's degree in the allopathic system of medicine, continues to be practiced today by a huge number of homeopathic doctors.
Who is Dr. Samuel Hahnemann?
Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) studied medicine at Leipzig and Vienna and earned his M.D. degree from Erlangen University in 1779. After practicing in various locations, he settled in Dresden in 1784 before moving to Leipzig in 1789. Disturbed by the harsh medical practices of his time, such as bloodletting and leeching, he ceased his practice rather than exacerbate his patients' suffering and turned to translating books. While translating Cullen's Materia Medica into German, he was intrigued that the cinchona bark's bitterness was thought to cure malarial fevers. Experimenting on himself with cinchona bark extract, he experienced symptoms similar to malaria, which ceased when he discontinued taking the extract. This led him to realize that a substance's ability to produce symptoms in a healthy body, similar to those of a disease, indicated its curative potential, not its other properties like bitterness. This insight laid the groundwork for homeopathy.
#Hahnemann continued experimenting with various substances, noting the symptoms they produced in healthy bodies. He successfully treated many diseases and epidemics with these substances. From his observations, he formulated theories, doctrines, and principles, deducing a fundamental homeopathic principle: 'similia similibus curentur,' meaning 'let like cures like.'
What is similia similibus curentur?
The actual meaning is that ‘let likes cure likes.’ This implies that the medicine which produced signs and symptoms that are more similar to a disease, will cure that disease. Hence homoeopathic drug proving is always done on healthy people.
Uniqueness of homoeopathy:
Homoeopathy stands out from other systems of medicine, by the use of #potentized medicines, by considering #individuality of a person (i.e., individual’s personality, mind, general symptoms), by the use of small dose, and by the use of #similar medicine (medicine that showed similar symptomatology when given to healthy persons are called similar medicine).
How is cure possible with homoeopathy?
Our body, naturally possess our own healing power to heal ourselves, when exposed to disease causing agents. For instance, rise in body temperature (fever) during infection is body’s immune mechanism to destroy the infecting agent entered our body. This may be present for two days to two weeks depending upon the time taken by our healing power. #Homoeopathic #Medicines excite our body’s healing power and helps in speedy, gentle and permanent recovery from diseases. This is suitable for both #acute and #chronic diseases, and suitable for all ages.